Most frequent questions about MBA studies
In this section we gathered the most frequent questions from applicants and students. We believe you will find the answers to your questions here.
What you should know before your studies
Why should I study at CEMI?
CEMI provides high quality one-year MBA studies, adjusted to the needs and time possibilities of our students, taught by qualified lecturers with long-standing practices.
MBA studies at CEMI are provided as professional studies, which fittingly add to and advance university or high school education.
What are the conditions for applying to MBA studies?
- Admission is without any exams.
- An applicant eligible for admission is one who presents a document of having achieved a minimum of a bachelor´s degree; or one who presents a diploma documenting an achieved level of education corresponding with the level 4 of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) along with a professional CV with professional experience of at least 2 years.
- It is necessary to have an active knowledge of English, at least at the level B2.
- More here: Study terms.
I have several years of practice, what can you teach me?
Our studies are targeted at professionals with some work experience. Our studentrs value gaining useful contacts and mainly keeping up with modern trends in their respective fields – they want to prevent professional blindness. This is achieved with the help of tutors with experience from an international environment.
When can I commence my studies?
Currently we accept applications into programmes started in March 2025
About studies at CEMI
How are individual modules completed?
Individual study modules are completed by a written assignment on a selected topic. The student has three attempts to pass, if needed additional attempts may be arranged. Tutors are here for the whole duration of your studies to guide you through given modules and help you with successful completion.
How do you determine the topic of your diploma thesis and written assignments?
The topics of all assignments are determined to fit the practical needs of our students. The topics are often connected to the internal projects of companies where the students work, improving their functioning. We are able to help with the solutions to specific situations. When writing your assignments you may consult with experts from respective fields.
How often do I need to travel for the studies?
The studies are mainly online so there is no need to travel much. The only time you need to be personally present is for the diploma thesis defence. If it is not possible for you to arrive you may apply for an exception and have a defence via Skype.
Is there a set of rules that control the studies?
The studies at CEMI are governed by the General Study Terms and Conditions, which are available here.
What accreditation does CEMI have?
According to the Law about universities (Law num. 111/1998 Statute book about universities) MBA degrees are not considered academic degrees in the Czech Republic. This means that MBA study programmes cannot be accredited by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports.
In May 2018 CEMI Institute has been awarded the prestigious international accreditation from the British accreditation authority ASIC (Accreditation Service for International Schools, Colleges and Universities). By fulfilling demanding criteria for education and tutor quality we received, as the only Institute in Central Europe, the highest possible status of an ASIC Premier Institution. This accreditation is valid till May 2026. ASIC is a member of the CHEA International Quality Group (CIQG) in the USA and an intitution recognised by UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI). It is also a member of BQF (British Quality Foundation), ENQA (European Network for Quality Assurance) and an institutional member of EDEN (European Distance and E-Learning Network).
We are full members of the prestigious EADL - European Association for Distance Learning. We are members of the Association of Adult Education Institutions in the Czech Republic and Association of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises and Crafts of the Czech Republic.
You will find more information here.
What if I cannot attend the diploma thesis defence in person?
If you are interested, it is possible via videoconference.
For the PURE and PREMIUM variants, this service is charged according to the current price list, for the PLATINUM study variant it is included in the study price.
For serious reasons, if you are unable to attend the defense in person, you can ask the Institute for an exemption.
What is the study process?
The studies at CEMI are for one year. Majority of the studies take place online via an e-learning system, which accommodates your time possibilities! The access into the system is of course free for the duration of the studies. All study materials, assembled specifically for our MBA students, are in the system; the final check of studies also takes place there. Tutors are availbale for consultations via e-mail, phone, or Skype for the whole duration of the studies.