About CEMI


All English MBA programmes at CEMI are designed and accustomed to the needs of international students and global job market. In October 2024, the 27th edition of the courses was launched.

With more than 2 270 clients CEMI belongs among the most significant and biggest MBA studies providers in Europe.

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From the comfort of your home

To enable you to study from home CEMI uses a modern e-learning study system where students can find all study materials and other necessary information.

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Studies for busy people

One of the main goals of our Institute is to make professional MBA education accessible to a broad spectrum of people who cannot, mainly because of time reasons, study full-time and commute tens or hundreds of kilometers to classes. That´s why CEMI designs all programmes to enable even very busy people to study no matter where they live.

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Our form of education, online education, is becoming ever so popular with students which is also documented in our testimonials. This form of education lets students combine their studies with their busy workschedule and personal life.

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Accreditation, cooperation, partnership and membership in institutions - CEMI cooperates with the following Czech and International entities:

  • Accreditation Service for International Schools, Colleges and Universities (ASIC) 
    • CEMI institute holds International Accreditation from ASIC (Accreditation Service for International Schools, Colleges, and Universities).

      ASIC Accreditation is a leading, globally recognised quality standard in international education. Institutions undergo an impartial and independent external assessment process to confirm their provision meets rigorous internationally accepted standards, covering the whole spectrum of its administration, governance, and educational offering. Achieving ASIC Accreditation demonstrates to students and stakeholders that an institution is a high-quality education provider that delivers safe and rewarding educational experiences and is committed to continuous improvement throughout its operation.

      About ASIC: One of the largest international accreditation agencies operating in 70+ countries, ASIC is recognised in the UK by UKVI - UK Visas and Immigration (part of the Home Office of the UK Government), is ISO 9001:2015 (Quality Management Systems) Accredited and is a Full Member of The International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE), a member of the BQF (British Quality Foundation), a member of the International Schools Association (ISA), and an institutional member of EDEN (European Distance and E-Learning Network).

    • Certificate of Accreditation
    • You can verify our accreditation here.

    • The accreditation commissioner Geoff Boston from ASIC during his na inspection visit at CEMI 
  • Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic
    • CEMI Institute is accredited by the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic, by the provision § 30 par. 5 law No. 312/2002 Statute Book. Upon a quality check our accreditation has been prolonged by 3 years (till January 2025).
    • Accreditation renewal
  • AIVD - The Association of Adult Educational Institutions in the Czech Republic
    • AIVD is the largest professional association with a tradition dating back to 1990. Its goal is to promote interests and needs of institutions educating adults, concentrate professional capacities for solutions and development in this area, cooperate with cooperate with the State authorities and other entities in preparation and implementation of legislative and other measures of adult education, organize events for professionals and the general public, and represent members and their activities with domestic and international associations.

    • AIVD is a member of the European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA). You will find more information on

  • National Institute for Education
    • We are a member of the field group Ekonomika a podnikání, one of three contribution-based organizations newly united into the National Institute for Education,  Education Counselling Centre and Centre for Continuing Education of Teachers (NÚV). This organization is managed by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports.
    • Letter of appointment
  • Association of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises and Crafts of the Czech Republic (AMSP ČR)
    • In September 2013, we became full members of the AMSP ČR, which unites on an open, nonpolitical platform small and medium enterprises and crafts and their organizations from the whole Republic.

      It provides members mainly with the information services focused on the segment of small and medium firms – news from the field of bank products, marketing, education, export support, statistics, legislation etc. It advocates the interests of small and medium firms and crafts towards the government and other institutions in all fields of its practice

    • Certificate of membership in the association

  • European association for Distance Learning
    •  CEMI is a member of the European Association of Distance Education  EADL


      The mission of EADL is to represent all privately-owned and non-governmental European organisations offering high quality and educationally sound distance learning. EADL aims to improve the quality and acceptance of distance learning to ensure the maximum benefit for students. EADL provides its members with a forum for open discussion of all issues related to distance learning and for sharing ideas and good practice.

      EADL is the European Association for Distance Learning.

CEMI supports


“Czech Businesswomen Awards” (“Ocenění českých podnikatelek”)

There is still a very small percentage of women entrepreneurs and women in management positions in the Czech Republic. By supporting the project “Czech Businesswomen Awards,” we want to express goodwill to these women, who have proven that not only men are capable managers and company owners. And to further encourage other women in their creativity, leadership, and talent to be a good leader.

The “Czech Businesswomen Awards” competition was founded in 2008 to promote Czech women. It allows women to be valued as individuals and to highlight significant projects or innovations in various fields, which Czech companies bring to the Czech and European Market under their leadership. At the same time, it aims to support and disseminate the achievements of women in business, while respecting the unwritten moral norms of mutual business.

CEMI became the patron of the "Exceptional Company Growth" category, which corresponds to the mission of the CEMI Institute to provide training that will support you in your professional and personal growth. In 2014 CEMI has remained a partner of this project, moreover the Institute´s director Stepan Mika has become one of the competition´s judges. For more information visit

“People in Need” (“Člověk v tísni”) 

On 4 June 2013, we contributed CZK 10 000 to the “People in Need” flood account to help people in flood-affected areas of the Czech Republic. The water only narrowly missed our offices, so we at least decided to help those who were not as lucky. The use of the funds collected on the flood account can be found on the “People in Need” website here.

Help children with cancer

On 22 January 2013, we paid CZK 20 000 to the “Good Angel” (“Dobrý Anděl”) endowment fund, which helps families with children in the fight against cancer. The “Good Angel” system equally divides the money from donors – "Good Angels" – received in one month between hundreds of families always on the first working day of the following month. All operating expenses of the “Good Angel” fund are paid by the private finances of its founders. "Good Angel” allows donors – “Good Angels” – to financially assist hundreds of families in financial need, where the father, mother, or one of the children suffers from cancer. More information can be found at

Education support of visually impaired students

We realize how important education is and we are also aware that for some of us the path to education is more difficult. As a socially responsible company, we support the education of visually impaired students through the “Endowment fund of Czech Broadcasting – Svetluska” (“Nadacni fond Ceskeho rozhlasu Svetluska”). By donating a sum of CZK 10 000 in March 2012, we rank among the major long-term donors such as Vodafone or Student Agency.

As a part of the scholarship program, Svetluska supports high school and university students with grave visual and visually combined disabilities since its establishment in 2003. It helps to cover a part of educational expenses and costs related to the compensation of the visual handicap, such as assistance services, special compensation aids, adaptation of study materials, etc. that allow adequate study.

The aim is to provide visually impaired students in secondary schools and universities further education, help them gain new information and contacts to ensure equal opportunities for access to education.

Help for abandoned or abused dogs

Dogs, as people’s best friends and one of the most intelligent creatures on the Earth, surely deserve our attention - and especially those, who were not lucky to get into a loving family.

That is why we have decided to financially support the project “Bulldog in Need” (“Buldocek v nouzi”), which supports the care for not only this breed. Whether it is to support shelters that take care of these dogs or the initial support of individual owners, who take such dogs into their care (primary treatment, etc.). In 2012, we donated CZK 5 000 to this organisation.

Tango – managers in wheelchairs

Since 1997 handicapped managers of Tango Havlíčkův Brod have been organizing their original project Donate a Toy (Daruj hračku), which brings Christmas toys to children from orphanages, social care institutes and other facilities. CEMI Institute has become a partner of this charity project, thanks to which disadvantaged managers, organizers of meaningful social projects, show that they can work well even from a wheelchair – they just need to be given a chance, confidence and a much-needed sense of fulfillment. In 2014 the project has launched its 18th year, with a record of 5.188 wishes from 2.594 children and clients from 70 homes across the Czech Republic. For its activities and projects Tango was awarded prestigious awards on global, national and regional levels.

More at:

Certificate of partnership - Tango

Certificate of partnership - Cena - Ď

Certificate of partnership - Champions - Tango

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Timeline 10_2024
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Timeline 03_2025
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